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Janice Chalas is the High Priestess of Grail of the Birch Moon. She is a 3rd Degree in the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. Janice joined Keepers of the Holly Chalice in 1988 and served for 12 years as its 4th High Priestess. When the time was right and the opportunity for change and growth presented itself, she hived off to form Grail of the Birch Moon.


Janice was born in Northern Delaware and has lived there most of her life.  Her specialties are tending her garden and the study of herbs with an emphasis on incense and medicinals. Her day job is working as an office support staff person.  Janice has taught and/or offered rituals at Spring Magick, the Sacred Space Conference, Free Spirit Gathering, Autumn Magick, Pagan Pride Day and at various other establishments in the region.


For information about the Elders of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, click here

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