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Recommended Reading List

This resource list is by no means exhaustive, but it is a good place to begin.


General Information


Casting Sacred Space: The Core of All Magickal Work, Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

Spirit Speak: Knowing and Understanding Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ghosts, Angels, and the Divine, Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

Keys to Perception: A Practical Guide to Psychic Development, Ivo Dominguez, Jr. 

A Witch's Bible, Janet and Stewart Farrar

Initiation Into Hermetics, Franz Bardon

Drawing Down the Moon, Margot Adler

The Spell of Making, Black Sun

Evolutionary Witchcraft, T. Thorne Coyle

The Spiral Dance, Starhawk

The Triumph of the Moon, Ronald Hutton

The Heart of Wicca, Ellen Cannon Reed

What Witches Do, Stewart Farrar

Spells and How They Work, Janet and Stewart Farrar

The Witch's Goddess, Janet and Stewart Farrar

The Witch's God, Janet and Stewart Farrar

ABC's of Witchcraft, Doreen Valiente

The Rebirth of Witchcraft, Doreen Valiente

Witchcraft for Tomorrow, Doreen Valiente

The Truth About Witchcraft Today, Scott Cunningham

Positive Magic, Marion Weinstein

Real Magic, Issac Bonewits





A Modern Herbal Vol. 1 & 2, M. Grieve

The Magic of Incense, Oils & Brews, Scott Cunningham

Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham

A Master Book of Herbalism, Paul Byrel




The Healing Craft, Janet & Stewart Farrar and Gavin Bone

Hands of Light, Barbara Ann Brennan

Anatomy of the Spirit, Carolyn Myss

Soul Retrieval, Sandra Ingerman

Wheels of Light, Anodea Judith




The Witches' Qabala, Ellen Cannon Reed

The Shining Paths, Dolores Ashcroft Nowicki

A Garden of Pomegranates, Israel Regardie

The Middle Pillar, Israel Regardie

Chicken Qabala, Lon Milo Duquette

Poetry of the Spheres, Robin Fennelly

Awakening the Paths, Robin Fennelly





Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom, Rachel Pollack

Tarot for Yourself, Mary Greer

The Tarot: History, Mystery and More, Cynthia Giles




Astrology for Witches and Pagans, Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Vol. 1, Marion March

The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Vol. 2, Third Edition, Marion March

Secrets from a Star Gazer's Notebook, Debbi Kempton-Smith

The Knot of Time: Astrology and Female Experience, Lindsay River



Celtic Pantheon Authors


Jean Markale, Ronald Hutton, Alexei Kondratiev, Anne Ross



Egyptian Pantheon Authors


Normandi Ellis, Ellen Cannon Reed, Jonathon Cott, Jean Huston, R. E. Witt



Norse Pantheon Authors


Diana Paxson, Kveldulf Gundarsson, Freya Aswynn, Edred Thorsson



Greco-Roman Pantheon Authors


Homer - The Iliad, The Odyssey


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